
The probability is high that you are as interested in Self-Development or Personal Development as I am.
Therefore you landed here and I am happy about it:)
That’s why I would like to introduce my blog and me a little bit closer to you now. My name is Michael and I work as a teacher at a high school.
Although I always liked my subjects very much and still do, I came to the point that something was missing. I no longer had any further professional goals.
I asked myself questions like



Looking for answers I came to the so-called personal development (in my opinion there should even be a separate subject in schools on this topic).

I read many books, surfed the internet a lot, watched countless YouTube videos, and read several blog posts on this topic. For whatever reason, I was particularly taken with the English language works.

This led to the fact that I started to buy MP3s and online courses, for example on topics like ‘increasing productivity’ or ‘setting and achieving goals’. In this context, I would like to mention Brian Tracy, a Canadian-American author, speaker, and entrepreneur, of whom I am a big fan. I would also like to mention Stefan James, a Canadian entrepreneur, YouTuber, and internet marketer.
Through him, I learned the skills to create and run a blog.

And here it is now, MY PERSONAL BLOG!
In case you wanna check out my instagram, click here. There you will find inspiring quotes and videos (unfortunately only in German language).

I wanna bring you insights and recommendations about personal development. I have made it my business to help people like you with this blog. My blog articles, the programs, and products I recommend should help you to become more satisfied or even happier.

As the name of my blog suggests, it should make you grow a little bit every day and thus become happier, in short, ‘grow and get happy’!
I wish you a lot of joy, success, growth, and happiness and hope that I can contribute a small part to it.


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