The Best Self-Help Books – My Top 7
This article is about the best self-help books for personal improvement and financial growth – from my point of view.

I list the top 7 and describe them briefly. On the one hand, the selected books deal with the development of one’s own personality and on the other hand with the emergence of financial wealth.
And with that, I have to say that without the right attitude to financial wealth there can not be created such a thing as financial wealth in the long term – because inner attitude and wealth of any kind are always intertwined. All the books listed have greatly influenced my life because they have changed my way of thinking!
Some of the books are absolute classics in personal development. They are also considered by many other people to be very inspiring. This means that the probability is quite high that these books can also have a positive impact on your life. If you are at a turning point in your life and you are asking yourself a lot of important questions, then maybe my list is just right for you.
This list is a compilation that can be considered as my „best of“ list. It is a snapshot or a summary of about 5 years. Since that time I continuously read books on personality development.
What was very difficult for me, but I tried to do it anyway, was to map my actual ranking, which means that for example, the first place on my list is also the book of which I claim it has had the strongest influence on me. But that should not affect you too much. All the 7 self-help books are great!

And now, let`s get started!
No. 7: Goals (by Brian Tracy)
I am a big fan of Brian Tracy and have already bought several of his programs. That is why a book of his can’t be missing in my ranking. I, accidentally, discovered his book ‘Goals’ at the airport about two years ago. I did not know at that time that there was just a newly published book by him on the German market ( by the way, his most famous book is „Eat That Frog“).
I did not hesitate to buy „Goals“ and I was not disappointed.
In fact, I learned from Brian Tracy to set goals and do so consciously, often, and in writing. That is one thing that has been an integral part of my life ever since.
If you have not done that yet, I can only advise you to change that. Your life will change! I know, that is a hackneyed sentence, but it is really true
Content of the book:
Set goals – but right! Success is based on goals, everything else comes all by itself. For example, if you set goals at the beginning of your career and stick to them, you can earn ten times as much as your fellow students within just a few years. In his current bestseller, Brian Tracy shows step by step how to get closer to your goals. He explains how to recognize one`s true desires and how goals are formulated correctly. From regular monitoring to the setting of your goals – with the measures shown here you can achieve goals in all situations of life!
So start right here and now! Write down your ten most important goals in a booklet. The next day, do it again, preferably without turning back the page. As a result, the really important things will gradually crystallize for you.
You can get more good tips about goals in this great book.
Click here for the book*! (This is the English original version of my described German version of the book)
No. 6 : Unshakeable (by Tony Robbins and Peter Mallouk)
My number 6 is mainly about money and investment. Tony Robbins isn`t really a well-known expert in this field. That is why he got Peter Mallouk, a successful investment consultant, to join him.
Content of the book:
This book explains very well the regular switching between bull and bear markets. This can very well relieve you from the fear of large losses, as you know that a bear market will eventually be followed by a bull market. In any case, it has always been that way until today. The compound interest is also clearly illustrated in the book. In addition, you will receive a questionnaire on how to find a good, independent financial advisor. And in addition, as a normal customer, you get the advice to invest in ETFs. This allows you to participate financially in many areas with relatively little money.
A book that I recommend to anyone who might be a little hesitant to buy shares. After reading this book, there is missing pretty much any argument not to do it. And doing so via globally investing EFTs also eliminates the inevitable risk as far as possible.
This is my personal point of view and everyone, of course, is responsible for his own way of investing money.
Click here for the book*!
No. 5: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (by Dr. Joseph Murphy)
This book can already be counted among the classics, as it was already be printed in 1962 and has sold millions of copies since then.
Content of the book:
This book is considered to be the „key book“of positive thinking. It has decisively changed and improved the consciousness of millions of people. The bestselling author Dr. Joseph Murphy enables us to develop internally and externally by showing how professional, private and health obstacles can be overcome through the positive programming of the subconscious and the power hidden in it.
Because: The content of our thinking and faith shapes our personality, shapes our life and determines our future.
Murphy describes very clearly what the subconscious is and how we can influence it. As Murphy was also a pastor, many Bible quotations are also included. But since these quotations are also interpreted without religion, the book is recommended to everyone.
About the book: I would like to point out that it has already been strongly, perhaps even rightly, criticized. For example, he is accused of „an emerging illusion of scientificity“ (Source: wikipedia).
I do not want to go into the criticism here. Everyone can get their own picture of it.
In my opinion, there is a lot of truth in it. I believe in the statements that are being made by Murphy. I also believe, for example, in affirmations but to bring empirical evidence of the effectiveness of affirmations is not easy, if not even impossible.
That is why one`s faith, one`s beliefs, is required here. And everyone is free in his decisions.
What you do not like you do not have to take on.
What is absolutely important and helpful, at least for me, is that we can all act on our subconscious. Since our subconscious does the main part of our actions, it is good to know that we can influence them.
You can read how this works in the book.
Click here for the book*!
No. 4: Rich Dad Poor Dad (by Robert Kiyosaki)
My number four also strongly influenced my thinking. By this, I mean my attitude towards money.
Contents of the book:
The author tells of „his two fathers“, as he calls them. His biological father is a teacher and lives an average life. His second father, a successful entrepreneur and actually the father of his friend, shows him the road to success and wealth.
Among other things, Kiyosaki compares the difference between liabilities and investments very well. For example in the past, I used to think buying a house was a good investment for me. But I had to realize over the years it is initially a huge obligation. Only if you also generate income through the house it is actually an investment.
Therefore the greatest lesson for me from this book is that it is extremely important to invest in order to receive and multiply money.
I have considered whether I should include this book so far at the top of my ranking, as it was rightly criticized negatively in some parts. Further information can be found on the internet and I don’t want to go too deep in this here.
I want to emphasize the positive content of the book and there definitely is a lot of good advice in it.
Therefore it ends up on my personal 4th place. I would advise you to read it!
Click here for the book*!
And here comes my top 3 :
No. 3: Think and grow rich (by Napoleon Hill)
Of course! This book must not be missing on this list! As my number two ranked book, this is an absolute evergreen as well. The book dates back to 1937 and is still being bought hundreds of thousands of times today. In any case sales figures range from 70 to 100 million sales.
Content of the book:
Napoleon Hill had been commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world at that time, to combine the knowledge of over 500 millionaires in a textbook. For over 20 years Hill has dedicated himself to this endeavor. The result is this masterpiece!
The book lists 13 steps that inevitably lead to wealth – if they are actually ALL IMPLEMENTED.
To me some chapters, like the one about autosuggestion, are absolutely helpful, other chapters seem to bring me a little less value. But, the sales numbers speak for themselves. That book is a must-have if you are interested in money and wealth building.
And maybe you already heard this advice before, that you should read most materials more than once, because, when you read a book several times you notice things that you have not discovered the first time. The same can be said for this book.
Even if the book comes noticeably from a different time the laws formulated in it still have their validity today and many successful people still recommend this book.
Click here for the book*!
No. 2: As A Man Thinketh (by James Allen)
Here is my number 2! Another book I read several times. It is an absolute classic as well and had been first published in 1903 and still sells very well.
Content of the book:
With his book „As A Man Thinketh“ James Allen provides nothing less than a key to a self-determined life. He makes no secret of the fact that he did not invent this key himself. Rather he has rediscovered it: In ancient writings such as the Bible and the Dhammapada (an anthology of sayings of the historical Buddha) and in traditional Western and Eastern philosophies and ways of thinking.
What I like about this book is, besides the great content that James Allen managed to put everything on only about 50 pages. His writing style is at the same time profound and understandable.
In my opinion, it is clearly a masterpiece and an absolute must-read as well!
Click here the book*!
And here is my frontrunner!
No. 1: The Why Cafe (by John Strelecky)
My number 1 of the best self-help books! It has been a few years since I read this book for the first time. But this book is just wonderful. You should definitely have read it at least once (preferably several times!)
Strelecky writes precisely and easily. Since the book is written in novel form, it is very pleasant and easy to read for everyone. What I also like about this book (similar to my No. 2) is its small format and the fact that it has only 130 pages. So you can easily take it anywhere (swimming pool, garden chair, waiting room…) and read it in full in a rather short period.
Content of the book:
A man named John finds a cafe in the middle of nowhere. In this cafe, three questions arise for him: Why Are You Here? Do You Fear Death? Are You Fulfilled?
Those three questions will then be clarified in the course of the book. A journey for John, but also a journey to ourselves. Perhaps we should all ask ourselves these three questions at some stage in our lives!
Click here for the book*!
In the meantime, there are two more books around the „Why Cafe“. The sequels are also good, but for me, this first part clearly stands out. It is the perfect book to start in the field of personal growth. I highly recommend this book!
Those were my seven best self-development books for personal and financial growth. As you can imagine some decisions for or against inclusion on this list were not easy. But I am pretty sure that I will write an extension to this article with more great books!
I really recommend reading those books or any other book delivering good content. Books are a great way to learn new things and to bring you value. So, read regularly, best daily! A good time for reading would be in the morning time as part of your morning routine. If you wanna read more about morning habits check out this article:
3 Amazing Morning Habits to Start Your Day Right (plus a 60-minutes morning ritual)
Now I would like to hear from you about which book you would recommend to me and the readers of this article.
Which book has influenced your thinking the most?
Please write it down in the comment box.
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Thanks for reading:)
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