GrowthDay Reviews – Best Investment in yourself?
‘Invest in yourself!’ You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself.’ And that’s exactly what this article is about.
More specifically, it’s about GrowthDay (Brendon Burchard’s latest brand and online coaching program).
If you are considering investing in personal growth this year, you definitely wanna read this review of GrowthDay. I’d like to introduce you to this program in more detail so that you can decide for yourself whether it might be worthwhile for you to become a member there as well.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably as positively crazy about personal development and personal growth as I am.
And you probably know that when you forget your ‘RIGHT THINKING’, your MEDITATING, your EXERCISE, your MORNING and/ or EVENING ROUTINE, it almost always has a negative effect on your mood.
Because by doing so, you leave the path of personal growth and your thoughts start to develop in a negative direction.
In my opinion, it is therefore indispensable to regularly reflect on yourself in all facets and to work on yourself if you want to develop personally.
It is much more difficult to motivate yourself on your own every day than if you receive weekly input and support.
It is immensely helpful to receive personal development tips and exercises as frequently as possible.
This is a regular reminder of what really matters – namely, daily personal growth through awareness of one’s own thoughts and attitudes and a possible subsequent change in these recurring patterns.
And Brendon Burchard has put together a great online coaching program called GrowthDay to do just that.

It launched on February 1st, 2021, and I’ve been on board since then, too. In this respect, I can now competently evaluate this program and, of course, recommend it. I think, it really is the best investment in yourself that you could choose.
GrowthDay – what is that
Now I’ll tell you why you too should become a GrowthDay member! Each month starts with a two-hour online personal development seminar from Brendon himself.
Anyone who has experienced him knows that his ‘teachings’ are always incredibly valuable. It’s not for nothing that he is the coach of e.g. Oprah Winfrey (herself one of the most successful women in the world).
For this alone, I think it is worth the investment in this program, or better put, the investment in yourself.
In addition, every week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you will receive another ‘teaching’ from a different top coach.
If you want to know which coaches are also teaching, check out the schedule for February below:
February 2021:
1st of Month: Brendon Burchard. Done!
1st Tuesday (2nd): Dave Hollis
1st Thursday (4th): Jamie Kern Lima
2nd Tuesday (9th): David Bach (see illustration)
2nd Thursday (11th): Nick Ortner (Tapping!)
3rd Tuesday (16th): Mel Robbins (see illustration)
3rd Thursday (18th): Jenna Kutcher
4th Tuesday (23rd): Anthony Trucks
4th Thursday (25th): Gloria Atanmo

You will probably have already heard one or the other name. In any case, all of them are absolutely worth seeing and hearing.
Each month is dedicated to a different area. February, as you can see in the schedule above, is dedicated to the topic of ‘confidence’. And you’ll get the views of each of the coaches on this topic.

March 2021 is dedicated to the topics ‘focus and discipline.
Each online talk lasts about an hour, after which the respective speaker answers questions from the VIP Zoom group on the topic of the month for about 30 minutes.
If you miss a session, it’s no problem, because there is always a replay available, which you can watch at any time and also repeatedly. In addition to that, you will get the summaries of each coaching session compiled by the GrowtDay team.
All sessions are stored for you in a separate community area. Access to the community is another part of the program. Here you have the possibility to ask questions and exchange information about all personal development issues.

Another great thing that is included in this program is an app that will come out in April and will provide you with all the amenities mentioned above on mobile as well.
UPDATE of my GrowthDay reviews (June, 28th 2021): The app is available for everyone since May 2021. I’ll give you a quick overview.

Under the ‘Journal’ tab you can make journal entries, which are of course also saved.
The tab ‘Life Scores’ can be used by you to track your habits (high performance habits).
In the ‘Plan’ section you can create e.g. project plans with time frames.
Under the tab ‘Challenges’ you will find, as expected, challenges you can participate in (e.g. Journal-Challenge).
The already mentioned LIve-Coachings can also be watched in the app, under the ‘Learn’ tab. And in addition, you can also take notes on each session, which are also saved for review later.
All coaching sessions are also saved in the app and available at any time. This is truly unique and makes this investment especially valuable.
Under the keyword ‘Community’ you will find the GrowthDay community, where you can ask questions, for example.
Feedback, settings and notifications should be self-explanatory.
I’m sure you’ve been thinking about the price while you’ve been reading this. You get everything for under a dollar a day, or more precisely $299 as an annual fee for the pro version that I highly recommend. If this is too much for you, you can go as a starter for $37,99 per year.
In both versions you get a 14-day-free-trial. Therefore, you can’t go wrong with this.
I think that’s an absolutely reasonable price when you consider how many hours of material is taught here and especially when you consider how much money you would have to pay to hear the coaches speak live.
That would be, honestly, probably 10 thousand dollars or more!
Of course, $299 is a lot of money, but, as you’ve probably read or heard before, investing in yourself is one of the best investments ever or even the best investment of all possible.
I’ve already enjoyed over ten hours of online coaching seminars with GrowthDay to date, and I assure you from the bottom of my heart that this investment is my best yet in personal development (and definitely not my first either😊).
UPDATE of my GrowthDay reviews (January, 11th 2022)
In the app there is also a section called ‘Life Scores’. In this section you can enter scores for your ‘Daily Habits’, ‘Weekly Review’ and ‘Whole Life’. If you are already using the paper version of the High Performance Planner, these terms should be familiar to you.
But now, in the app, the nice thing is that all the values are saved and you can see a trend of how you are changing. In addition, based on the values you enter, you’ll get suggestions in the form of Brendon videos that will help you in your weaker areas. I think that’s another great feature.
A change was made at the turn of the year to 2022. The live coaching now only takes place on one day, Wednesday, and is called ‘Wednesday Wisdom’. Two coaches will teach for 45 minutes each.
I personally like this change very much, because I love the live event very much and two days a week were just too much for me. Now the whole thing is a bit more focused – and, as you know, focus is a very important thing if you want to develop personally.
Hopefully, I was able to inspire you with my article for GrowthDay. If so, I would be very happy if you click here and use this link to become a member of GrowthDay as well.
If you click on one of the integrated links above and sign up for GrowthDay, I will receive a commission for it. Therefore many thanks 🙂
To your success,
Thank you Michael for this article post. This was broadly, yet specifically helpful and insightful. This was what I was looking for.
Thank you for your comment. I am glad that I could help with this. I wish you much joy and success.